Contentment in Singleness

August 2018 Funny - drafted this post a really long time ago but never got round to posting it. :o I guess it never saw the light of d...

August 2018

Funny - drafted this post a really long time ago but never got round to posting it. :o I guess it never saw the light of day because: 1. I was dissatisfied w my points but the inertia to edit and write it was so r e a l especially b’cos reading and writing all day err day @ work meant NO writing after work hours no thnx, so I let it sit as a jumbled outline in my drafts folder along with 1209310293 other half-constructed posts hehe (not proud of that); 2. I was fearful of being judged by others (pride issues). Anyway, in light of recent conversations w some friends, I realised that I should continue to write—it is my hope that it is not for self-glory, but for the sake of others and ultimately, that it should be for the glory and furthering of God’s kingdom.

This topic has been on my mind for the looooongest time—and even though at this point I may not seem like the most relatable person to be hearing from about singleness as a Christian, I wrote this post when I was still as single as a pringle and had no interest in bearded llamas. In fact, I am still single la because as the Bible states, there exists only 2 relationship statuses—“the unmarried man/woman” and “the married man/woman”(ref: 1 Cor 7), i.e., there is no such dating status, and therefore I am most definitely single slash not yet married (& perhaps never will be—who knows right, only God does. (: )

Anyway, I seriously am no guru on Christian singleness (legit I am not, I know other guys/girls/women who will be better people to talk to about this, or even good Christian books that expound on 1 Cor 7 way better than I do, for e.g. “Married for God” explains 1 Cor 7 really well imo!!! Oh, but the best would be for us to open our Bibles and to hear from God Himself about what it means to live as a Christian single in this world hehe :>). I am hence writing this because I hope to share a glimpse of my puny life experience and how God has graciously transformed and shaped me through His Word by His Spirit when I was learning (and am still learning) to live as a single in this sex-crazed world (lmao amirite).

When I drafted this post about a year ago, it was when some of my friends were aggressively matchmaking me with GCBs (Good Christian Boys lolol) maybe because I had been single for a really long time (by the world’s standards). Don't get me wrong, I am thankful to my friends, especially to Jo for all her efforts !!! best pal ever !!!!!! (: Albeit amusing and definitely not wrong of them to have done so, it was difficult for me at times because in those moments, I was tempted to think my life as incomplete unless I had gotten together with someone else.

So I wrote this because I needed to remind myself of certain truths I read in 1 Corinthians 7. These were really good reminders for me when I was a Christian single struggling to live in a world where relationships are pertinent and appeared to define one’s identity. All of a sudden, at the marriageable age of twenty-something the whole world is telling you that you have to find someone if not you will die alone (logical fallacy !!!). Well, regardless, they are now still good reminders to always strive to cling on to Christ and to be content in the status that He has called me to.


August 2017

Writing with much frustration, but thankfully, hope. The secular world today appears to prize marriage/being attached as the status to have, and singleness as the subpar alternative. Unfortunately, this outlook on life appears to have permeated into the minds of many Christian brothers and sisters. Don’t get me wrong—marriage is great. I suppose it is wonderful. Some say it is the best thing that can ever happen to anyone after knowing Christ. OK, I’m sure it is la—especially since it is a glimpse of what is to come on the day of eternity when we, the church, are united with Christ!!! (-:

I guess at this stage of our lives it is pretty normal for our conversations to somehow dive back to the topic of relationships—are you dating, why are you still not attached, why not just get together with him he likes you and is a good Christian what~~, etc. etc. blablablabla k stop pls hahaha ha ha awkward laughter. Lolol k, but on a serious note, is it really helpful for us to keep talking about it???

1 Cor 7:17-24 

17 Nevertheless, each person should live as a believer in whatever situation the Lord has assigned to them, just as God has called them. This is the rule I lay down in all the churches. 18 Was a man already circumcised when he was called? He should not become uncircumcised. Was a man uncircumcised when he was called? He should not be circumcised. 19 Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing. Keeping God’s commands is what counts. 20 Each person should remain in the situation they were in when God called them. 

21 Were you a slave when you were called? Don’t let it trouble you—although if you can gain your freedom, do so. 22 For the one who was a slave when called to faith in the Lord is the Lord’s freed person; similarly, the one who was free when called is Christ’s slave. 23 You were bought at a price; do not become slaves of human beings. 24 Brothers and sisters, each person, as responsible to God, should remain in the situation they were in when God called them. 

25 Now about virgins: I have no command from the Lord, but I give a judgment as one who by the Lord’s mercy is trustworthy. 26 Because of the present crisis, I think that it is good for a man to remain as he is. 27 Are you pledged to a woman? Do not seek to be released. Are you free from such a commitment? Do not look for a wife. 28 But if you do marry, you have not sinned; and if a virgin marries, she has not sinned. But those who marry will face many troubles in this life, and I want to spare you this. 

Marriage is not the prize of life, God is.

Paul tells the Corinthians to live as they were called—whether married or unmarried. Addressing the unmarried, he tells them multiple times: live as believers in the single status that God has called you to—specifically he uses the words "remaining in the situation that you are in", “not looking for a wife” (v27). Remain in the situation that you are in when God called you. This is your status—unmarried, remain in it. Strive to please the Lord in your current circumstance.

I don’t suppose Paul is saying that marriage is a bad thing and that one should never get attached 5everrr. Rather he’s saying, be content in your present circumstance. If you are single, live as you are. Don’t yearn for something you don’t have. He also says that if you are married, yayyy, be content with that, don’t seek to be released.

On an important note, it also does not mean that if we are single, we should never pursue anyone and never have feelings for anyone ever ever ever. I don’t think Paul means that because he mentions that marriage is not a bad thing (referring to the section I highlighted: “But if you do marry, you have not sinned”)—so we must be careful not to think of ourselves as awesome abstinence practicing holy wtv people if we are unmarried, and think of married people as weaklings.

It is okay to like/love someone la. In fact, Paul says that we should marry if our passions are going to cause us to sin (i.e., have sexual relationships outside of marriage)—“for it is better to marry than to burn with passion”. Feelings can be a good thing—if they are not mishandled. One should be careful to not let their feelings for someone else swell into discontentment and dissatisfaction with their current status (i.e., singleness) until it becomes a distraction from doing the most important thing, which is to live for Christ. Whichever status you have been called to, be content with that gift and use wtv resources you have to serve Christ (-:

Therefore, it should be highlighted that the person who is unmarried is not necessarily serving God on a higher pedestal just because he is “free from concern” (v32). Paul is just saying it would definitely be easier (i.e., he uses the word “better”) because the unmarried would be able to remain completely undivided. I can see why. Being together with someone taps on your emotional and time resources, which, if you were single, would be less spent (b'cos u don't have to deal w another sinner on top of your sinful self !!!).

On the other hand, the person who is married “has to be concerned with the affairs of this world—how he can please his wife (or vice versa)” (v33). His/her attention is now divided, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. He/she still obv can please God—but now his time and emotional resources are now split between serving his/her family and church community (? And maybe other things? Not v sure). The married person still serves the Lord by serving his or her family primarily, which is simply just different from how the unmarried would be able to serve the church. From my own observation, it appears to be true (not entirely sure tho)—for e.g., a mum with a newborn who used to read 121 w a younger girl no longer can because she needs to spend her weekdays taking care of her newborn. That being said, it is definitely not any easier than a single serving the church, in fact possibly way harder. It just is a different way of serving the Lord! (-:

Knowing this truth changed my life!!! I remember first reading it in Married for God (in Myanmar btw lmao because I insanely brought it for leisure reading #geysiao) and then going through it in 1 Corinthians 7 under the guidance of an older woman. It was really helpful for me to know that we should strive to be content in the status that God has put us in. My status is a gift—and I am thankful that I have the gift of singleness now, because I should and can use all of my time and efforts into living for Him wholeheartedly. Should I get married (i.e., attain the gift of marriage), I still can use my time and efforts to serve Him wholeheartedly, but in a different way. Most importantly, I am not defined by my relationship status, but rather by Christ, which should affect how I am to live (-:


August 2018

I wrote this one year ago, bursting with mindblowing juice on what it meant to be content in Christ as a single. It really changed my attitude and how I pursued my friendships with guy friends. Funnily enough, just when I was being super mega content in my own single happy bubble, I met someone who made my single bubble... happier! (-: (Well, technically he was there all along #ew #leech haha kiddinggg) 

I suppose for many years, I always appeared to be living ‘rightly’ as a Christian single to many others. But this was based on v v v surface level observations. I did not have sexual relations, I did not fool around, I did not do things that ruined my reputation, I was not known to date around, etc. But I still struggled (actually not as hard as some friends I know—to each his own lot I suppose). I had to wrestle through many years of liking different guys and having grey friendships with them. I yearned for affirmation, and was secretly happy when the guys I led on gave me attention. Deep inside me, I was always wondering who I was going to be attached to / when it was going to happen / where will I meet him yadadadada. These are all seemingly harmless actions and thoughts—I mean, they appear to not have any harm / harmed anyone in a real way. However, these actions and thoughts are like dimethylmercury (a poison whereby a small dose can kill u v v v slowly, yet lethally), for it gradually fed my discontentment as a single and made it hard for me to be content with the gift of singleness that God has given me.

But knowing God’s Word changed my life, helping me to strive to live rightly before Him. When the Spirit convicted me through reading His Word, I was able to seek contentment in Christ and find true joy in Him. (-: I could joyfully use all my time, effort and resources into getting myself equipped and serving others. Much of my time was spent learning and reading His Word myself and with others, being rooted and built up in Him, and in prayer, humbly bowing down and recognising that nothing is ever by my own merit (-: Which really is all by God’s grace considering my background and how I basically grew up knowing nothing much about my own faith! (-:

I also learnt how to rely on Him first and foremost. Many of my then-attached friends told me that one of the largest perks of being attached was to have someone to talk to / confide in all the time, especially when they were faced w frustrations in school or at work. But for me, because I had "no one", I had the privilege of learning to prayerfully depend on God, the Almighty One (wow!!!!), seeking His wisdom, His counsel, His guidance. (-: It eventually helped me to always pray and look to His Word before I act, and to not act impulsively on my desires (um... most of the time at least, haha - hey, I improved like leaps and bounds from before already ><). And now when there are frustrations or difficulties, I firmly know that I can always turn back and rely on God, the One who is steadfast and merciful. He is my Rock and Redeemer, and no Man will be able to fulfil that. While Man can be reliable, Man will still fail because #sin. The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the Word of our God endures forever (Isa 40:8). So!!! Thankful!!!

Throughout this time of seeking and obeying, God has revealed Himself to be gracious, faithful and sovereign. When we are resolute in seeking Him, we find joy and pleasure in the other things that He has created. Life is not about having things, life is about knowing God! And I am glad that the person I am doing life with helps me to know God more and more each and every day. (":

I suppose I decided to publish this post only now because recently, many of my friends have been either getting together, or considering relationships, or getting out of them (including me haha hi). It is my hope to encourage and nudge us into remembering that being together with someone really isn’t the most important thing in life. Whether we are unmarried or married, we should still strive to serve the Lord with our whole hearts (-:

 Haha, re-reading what I wrote in August last year, I really wrote with much excitement, trying my hand at picking apart a rlly, rlly tough passage. I did not know much then, and I still do not know much now. But like I said, there are many good Christian resources around to guide us in knowing more of what pleases God in the context of our relationships with others, the best being the Bible. My post is obvvvv not the be-all and end-all of relationships in a Christian context, so I would encourage all of us to continue to seek and pursue God’s Word, that is living, breathing and so v alive even ‘til this day.

In conclusion (yes I am finally concluding, omagoodness this thesis is rlly long—I didn’t realise I had so much to say), TLDR, bye. At the heart of everything, everyone is still a child of God, created by Him, for Him—married or unmarried. We are not defined by our relationship status!!!!! NEVER. Rather, we are defined by our identity in Christ and how we are in Him.

Going back to 1 Corinthians 7, Paul advices: our “time is short. From now on those who have wives should live as if they do not; those who mourn, as if they did not; those who are happy, as if they were not; those who buy something, as if it were not theirs to keep; those who ues the things of this world, as if not engrossed in them. For this world in its present form is passing away.” (v29-31).

This is an insanely good reminder for us, dating or not. The time is short, and the time is now. The way to live as a Christian is now! (-: Why be concerned as to whether you will find someone or not? Why be concerned as to whether you are going to marry the one you are with or not? This human life is v funny la seriously (#consequencesofsin)—when you are single, you want to be attached; when you are attached, you want to be single. Like, c’mon la people, just live as a believer in the status that God has assigned to us!!! Ok I say like it is v easy, but it is not. We will never be truly satisfied—at least not in the worldly things, because our satisfaction can only come from Christ Himself. And let’s keep pursuing that, keeping our eyes on the ultimate prize, which is knowing Christ in full. How awesome is that gna be when He comes again!!!!!! Happy sigh ~

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