What's In A Word: 'Blessed'

Decided to write this because today's BSF question reads, "What does it mean to be blessed, and in what ways do you antic...

Decided to write this because today's BSF question reads, "What does it mean to be blessed, and in what ways do you anticipate being blessed through the study of Revelation?" 

I've read some online articles about the meaning of the word 'blessed' about a year ago; most of them all starting with, 'Ooh, Christians like to use the word, 'blessed' and 'blessings'. Do they even know the meaning of it????'

Disclaimer: Whatever I am writing now is really my personal belief and opinion on God's blessings. It's my hope to not discount the meaning of it, neither would I want to accuse those who have always been proclaiming they are #blessed.

I wrote this as my answer to BSF Lesson 3 Question 4: It means to be touched by the Word of God - God speaking to me deeply and richly, directing my life in a manner He desires. Through the study of revelation, I anticipate myself being thankful, always, despite any circumstance, because God is so, so good. 

But as I pondered over it, there is really so much more to this word... Hence, I decided to pen my thoughts down!

Disclaimer II: Not a Bible scholar or someone who is a pro at scriptures, so I was always hesitant to journal anything related to the meaning of God's Word / Bible passage. It's just all so daunting to me. But something I've learnt is that, well, the Word of God speaks to us individually. Penning this down now doesn't mean that I am 100% right, but I would like to look back some day and see perhaps how much I've grown in my understanding as well! (': 

There are so many scriptures that speak of blessedness. The most recent one, albeit qt famous (:p), I read was Matthew 5 (The Beatitudes). The one I am most familiar with, however, is Psalm 112. I am only going to focus on these 2 passages.

Many scholarly articles go behind the meaning of the word 'blessed', tell you the historical Greek origin and whatnot. It really is very informative and I encourage everyone to take a look at what certain articles have to say, but it's not like I have the capacity to touch on that, so I shan't. 

OK interactive time lolol - think about the situations you told people you were blessed. 

For me, I thought of like, OMG I got A- for stats when I was failing the entire sem #blessed. HAHAHA no but srsly, that's the first thought in my mind (even though I gave such a comprehensive answer earlier).

Yup, it's usually in situations like these that I tell people that it is really by God's grace and blessings that I managed to pull through. 

Yeah... it's always when something good happens right?

But blessed doesn't equal good. Or rather, blessed doesn't equal my happiness b'cos something good happened to me.

After I re-read Psalm 112 and Matthew 5, what stood out to me was that the meaning of blessed is not so much about our happiness... but, God-centered happiness. (Does that make sense?)

It's about being in the Kingdom of God!

Here's some evidence -

Psalm 112:1 NIV "Praise the Lord. Blessed are those who fear the Lord, who find great delight in his commands."


Matthew 5:10 NIV "Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." (Chose this one because it talks about the kingdom of heaven, which adds on to the point I'm making hehe)


In Psalm 112, we see that "wealth and riches" [v3] are a by-product of fearing the Lord and taking delight in his commands (ooh, #blessed). So yes, it's really not wrong to say we are blessed when we receive good things (-: (Er btw, but even so we see later on that they share their blessings: "they have freely scattered their gifts to the poor" [v9])

Saying we are blessed b'cos we get great and awesome things we didn't expect - that's not the main point! Because if we really take a look at Matthew 5, wealth and riches and success is really not the point. Blessedness comes to those who are poor in spirit, mourn, meek, hunger and thirst for righteousness, merciful, pure in heart, peacemakers, persecuted because of righteousness etc. 

The first part - 'poor in spirit', 'mourn' and 'meek' shows me that we are blessed not by our own works / what we do for God, but what God can do for us. The second part - shows me that we also have to strive towards certain attributes because God desires to give us the best for our lives.

We are God's beloved people. (-: And we as God's people means that we are blessed even when we fail a test, retain, not get into the course of our choice, lose a loved one, break up, fall really ill, break a finger, suck at life, die, get cancer, not get the job you desire... etc. 

I guess, you get the point. 

We are always blessed because we belong to God's kingdom. 

That being said, if I have already presented my point in this manner ^, I'm not sure if unbelievers understand what it means to be blessed... Um, ok that's for next time - ARE UNBELIEVERS PART OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD? Ok brain exploding need to go for a swim BYE


May I always remember how blessed I am to know my Father and be a part of His glorious kingdom! Despite any circumstance, I am blessed. (":

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