I've Moved!

Thank you wonderful friend, stranger. This platform has been a delight for me - by God's kindness, I've been able to have many ...

Thank you wonderful friend, stranger. This platform has been a delight for me - by God's kindness, I've been able to have many wonderful conversations as a result of what I've written. I still wish for you to be able to read about how God has been real to me.


I will still be writing at:

  •  https://ruthygan.wordpress.com. A pho-jou (photo-journal blog, haha yes I made that up hehe) to jot down my thanksgivings and share photos taken with my trusty second-hand Fujifilm X-T10.
  • https://wearejarsofclay.wordpress.com. Do check this one out, it serves as a platform for other Christians to proclaim how God has worked / is working in their lives. 

See you around! x

In the clutches of the Cross,

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