He Giveth More Grace

A friend wrote a letter to me about a month ago, which I mindlessly left in the pocket folder of the notebook I always carry around. Gl...

A friend wrote a letter to me about a month ago, which I mindlessly left in the pocket folder of the notebook I always carry around. Glad that I let it sit in my notebook because coming across the letter and reading it again today was so refreshing for what God had been teaching me in the past year which had become more pertinent in the past month or so (-: 

God really is so, so faithful, SO generous, so gracious, so loving.

My friend wrote, "I think we really have to thank God our Father who has been so so good to us. He has blessed us in this [life] and given us joy upon joy. ... We have obscenely received such mercy with the free gift of salvation through Christ, and yet the Lord gives us so much more and more than we don't deserve." (rephrased and omitted some personal things)

Word!!!!!!! I like how he (or could be she, haha) said "obscenely received". OBSCENE. Indeed (-: No better word to describe how mind-blowing and undeserving it is for us to have received God's mercy.

For the past few years or so, serving joyfully and sincerely in the positions that I have been given in ministry has been something I've continuously struggled with (ref: Learning to Serve). Since then, my heart condition has improved leaped and bounds (ref: Who Am I?) - only by God's grace, really.

While at the present moment I serve from a position of overflowing joy and contentment in seeing God's people grow in faith in Christ and love for all the saints (Col 1; 1 Thess 2), sometimes in my sinful nature I doubt that God can work and God can provide.

In recent times, God has been teaching me to grasp that He is a God who is powerful, all-sufficient and never-failing. I mean I definitely knew this, but did I really know it? I suppose it is only in times of trial and difficulty that my knowledge is tested and my faith proved genuine (1 Peter 1; James 1).

There were days when I felt so weary and discouraged by ministry (hehe fyi: ministry is not necessarily restricted to church activities; for I consider my workplace, home, friends, acquaintances, neighbours as ministry too :>). The thoughts I penned down in my journal revealed that I always seeking an immediate and definite solution to my problems. In my lack of faith, I doubted that God can accomplish so mega much. I failed to realise in those moments that this Christian life was not about striking things off a checklist or serving my own desires or having all my needs in ministry being met, but it is simply about knowing God.

Francis Schaeffer wrote: "The Christian life, true spirituality, can never have a mechanical solution. The real solution is being cast up into moment-by-moment communion, personal communion, with God himself, and letting Christ’s truth flow through me through the agency of the Holy Spirit."

Schaeffer wrote it brilliantly. A personal communion with God himself, growing in the Word by the power of the Spirit.

I've come to realise that the best part of being a part of God's kingdom is discovering more of God and being refined to live a life that is holy and pleasing unto Him (Romans 12). And if I am able to grasp this, I am able to be easily content with my lot, no matter how tiring or hard things get (-: A tension of sorrowful, yet always rejoicing!!!!!~~~ Sorrowful, b'cos living as a Christian is sometimes just so hard, but always always always rejoicing, for I have the eternal hope and joy and inheritance, that is Christ.

Ministry is mega hard, and Jesus did not promise a smooth-sailing life (Matt 8:20). But God, who has blessed us abundantly, has ensured that in all things at all times, we have all that we need, abounding in every good work (2 Cor 9:8). (": We are able to persevere and rejoice (!!!) in this sinful and tough life because of how He purposed all things for His good and how He graciously chooses to sustain us by His power and grace in accordance to His perfect pleasure and will.

God is so, so powerful. Things happen in His time, in His perfect will, in His perfect way. While it may not happen in the way we want it to happen, our comfort is that God's character remains consistent - something we see in the Bible throughout. He is always faithful, He will fulfil His promises and He therefore deserves all honour and glory and praise. P.S. if you are keen on finding out more, feel free to PM and I am more than glad to (try my best to) help you to see for yourself hehe :>

I suppose at this point I could do some good in sharing some testimonies of how God has provided in my ministries, but thing is, I don't think that our v v creative God would work in the exact same way for all of us. In my instance, resources were provided, tough ground was broken, hardened hearts were soften. But what if your resources are always lacking and your needs never met? What if you are plagued with sickness and your condition is not improving, and you are never going to be healed? What if people still absolutely refuse to listen to the good news that you are eager to share?

That being said, God is powerful and He can definitely provide and meet all these needs if He wanted to forrrrr sure, but I am saying, what if they are not - does it mean that God doesn't exist? Does it mean that God is not loving? Not faithful? Not kind? Not good?

All things work for God's glory and good, but not necessarily in the same way ev e r y single time. The methods that God uses to show His power through our successes or sufferings isn't always going to be the same, but His character remains consistent, forever and ever and ever (": Before you begin to doubt and think that it is a self-fulfilling prophecy, I can only urge you that it is not because God's character has been the same since 2000++ years ago, and will be the same 200000000 years from now. A faithful and powerful and loving God. Only He can change hearts and only He can sustain our ministries. If there is no truth in that, then of course our faith will amount to nothing. But through the Bible there is clear evidence that God is indefinitely powerful and faithful in His ways. (: (I invite u to see for urself) (kthnxbye)


In our lives - through joy, sorrow, successes or failures - it is always God's glory that shines the brightest. Through my laughter and my tears, God's strength has never been stronger, His grace has never been greater and His mercy has never been deeper. I've learnt to pray prayers that are more confident and less doubtful, recognising that it is He who can change hearts, not me. I've learnt to persevere through difficult and trying situations and to strive towards responding patiently and wisely, for it reveals my heart (i.e., I could either choose to complain and be disgruntled, or choose to be a cheerful giver in my service and pray for wisdom to face the trials and trust that God is sovereign above all - James 1!!!! hehe shoutout to XS friendos). I've learnt to praise God through the trials because of how through those trying times, His Word never fails to remind me about His love, His faithfulness, His glory, His patience, His almighty, amazing, character. (-: So much joy.

To end off, I'll retweet what my friend wrote in the last part of his (or her) letter. The song lyrics has encouraged me a lot and so has his-her (LOL k I'm so lame I shall stop) words of wisdom. It was really so refreshing to read this again and a really good summary (though still limited la) of God's immeasurable and infinite goodness.

Immeasurable and infinite, indeed (": Thanks pal, am thrilled to have you as a friend who is on this journey w me as we grow to know Christ more and are sanctified and refined to be more like Him (":


I wrote this because I was really encouraged by what was said in the letter, and I know so many out there who need the encouragement so much more than I do. To my beloved friends, you know who you are, thanks for sharing your life so openly and vulnerably with me. It actually pains my heart to know that some of you are going through such a difficult time. I pray this for all of us: that we will truly, fully grasp that His love has no limit, His grace has no measure, and His power has no boundary known unto men. You are so loved by God. 

In doing ministry, in doing life, through trials, sickness, break-ups, or unemployment, God is all sufficient and powerful. May we come to know this fully. Through our sorrow and pain, may we cling onto the hope that we have in Christ. And let us endure in growing in the gospel, abounding in the faith just as we were taught, strengthened by His power and responding w thankfulness, living a life that is holy and pleasing to Him. (":

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